With so many social media platforms to choose from to promote your business many small business owners wonder if a website is even necessary anymore. It has been reported by Ad Week that there are now more than 40 million active small business pages on Facebook. Having a Facebook business page is definitely an asset […]
How to Choose a Color Palette For Your Website
Every element of your website is a representation of your brand identity, mission and lure to your target audience. Your website color palette is the glue that holds these elements together. Deciding on the right colors will set the tone for your site and your brand. It will also greatly contribute to your overall digital […]
The Importance of Typography- and what it says about Your Brand
Typography is a very important element for any website. And it’s imperative for your brand to understand how it portrays your company and influences your readers. Even if a website has stunning graphics and great video content, ultimately, the true attraction of any website is the text. The text needs to be informative and reliable. […]
How to use Local SEO to Boost Your Business
The internet continues to grow and digital marketing has turned into one of the most powerful strategies to promote any business. The problem is that the competition can be fierce and a niche can easily get too crowded. This is the reason why local SEO is such an excellent choice for any business that wants […]